The Case for a Local Flood: Neglected Biblical and Historical Considerations

Much controversy has attended the question of whether the flood of Noah was local or global in extent. This paper suggests three considerations that commend a local flood view. First, the paper surveys forgotten historical testimonies for a local flood from Jewish writers, church fathers, and early modern Christians. Special attention is given to how … Read more

Knowing Good and Evil: Eight Universal Fundamentals of Society and Justice

What is justice? How does one determine it or recognize it? Is there anything that objectively defines that which so many claim to want? What about society? How does a healthy society function? Are there immutable principles that underlie society and justice? Is anything true always and everywhere? This review of four Old Testament passages … Read more

The ‘Divine Council’ and Classical Theology: A Rapprochement

Since the publication of the late Michael Heiser’s *The Unseen Realm,* more evangelicals have accepted his ‘Deuteronomy 32 Worldview,’ which argues for a ‘divine council’ of heavenly beings who govern the affairs of various people groups on God’s behalf. Heiser himself was a scholar of semitic languages and the OT, as well as a vocal … Read more

Seraphim, Satan, and Serpents

Seraphim are mentioned only once as angelic creatures (Isa. 6), but there are several references to fiery serpentine creatures in the Old Testament and they appear in ANE literature. Satan is identified as a fallen angel and is called a snake, a dragon, and takes the form of (or possesses) a serpent in the garden. … Read more

“Where Is Your King to Save You?”: Hosea’s Kingly Critique

Hosea’s ministry stretched beyond the time of Jereboam II, yet no other northern kings are mentioned in Hosea’s opening verse. Thus, an opening salvo is launched against the kings of Israel, so ineffective and unfaithful that they do not merit mention. Hosea’s cynical view of the kings is unmistakable, but the treatment is not one-dimensional. … Read more