The Case for a Local Flood: Neglected Biblical and Historical Considerations

Much controversy has attended the question of whether the flood of Noah was local or global in extent. This paper suggests three considerations that commend a local flood view. First, the paper surveys forgotten historical testimonies for a local flood from Jewish writers, church fathers, and early modern Christians. Special attention is given to how … Read more

The Virtue of Faith in Matthew’s Narrative

In this presentation, I argue that Matthew portrays faith as the individual virtue of discipleship directed toward God—that in trusting Jesus, motivated by one’s love for God, the disciple himself becomes righteous. First, I give an overview of the concept of faith in the ancient world. Second, I survey Matthew’s presentation of faith throughout his … Read more

The Divine Command Theory Does Not Fail

The Divine Command theory deals with the moral question whether what is right and wrong depends on what moral principles we accept or on what God commands us to do. The Divine Command theory says that the moral standards are based on the commands of God. The argument against the Divine Command theory is formulated … Read more

Matthew 12:42: Hinting at Mysteries of the Messiah

In this essay, I use Beale and Gladd’s understanding of mystery and cognitive peripheral vision to illuminate Jesus’ self-presentation as the messiah through his statements in Matt 12:42 considered in the wider context of Matt 12:1-45. By his claims in Matt 12:42 Jesus hinted at multiple mysteries of the messiah–namely, that the messiah will have … Read more

Toward Unity of Old, Young and Temple Creation Based on Genesis 1 as Hebrew Historical Narrative

Evangelicalism has developed unified doctrines on God, Christ, salvation, and Scripture, but not on creation. Most evangelicals recognize that Genesis 1 is historical narrative, but many disappointingly limit historical narrative interpretation at some point. The inspiration of Scripture extends to grammar, suggesting that if we interpret all of Genesis 1 as reporting sequential historical events, … Read more